Friends, nowadays almost people are suffering from the problem of constipation. Constipation is a complex problem. In which along with the human body, the mind is also disturbed. Constipation sufferers are always thinking that the stomach will be relieved, but it does not happen. In the problem of constipation, faeces remain in our body for several days. It makes the stool hard. As a result of the overall deterioration of the digestive system, the frequency of stools decreases. Because of that, a lot of force has to be applied.
Due to constipation, there is always a load and irritation in the stomach. Along with this, the appetite also decreases and the chest starts to burn. It is also called acidity. Being constipated for a long time increases the risk of diseases like piles, fissures. If it is not treated for a long time, it can lead to inflammation and ulcers in the intestines. Therefore, the treatment of constipation problem is very important. So today we are going to tell you about an accurate remedy for constipation in this article. Which will make age-old constipation disappear for free. So read this article till the end.
Internal shower drink
First of all we have the question that what is internal shower drink? An internal shower drink is a drink that goes inside the stomach to cleanse the stomach and intestines and expel all the waste through feces. This drink is made with chia seeds, lemon juice and water. Chia seeds are full of fiber and a variety of anti-oxidants. Lemon juice is a type of citric acid. which turns off the stomach from the inside. which is mixed with water.How to make this special drink
Take two spoons of chia seeds to make this drink. Mix it in a cup of water. Leave it in the water for a while, then squeeze in the juice of one lemon. You can also mix salt in it if you want. Mix all these things in a glass of water. This drink is called an internal shower drink.Read in Gujarati: Click Here